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I attended UMBC from 1983 to 1990. I loved my time here. I made life long friends. I learned leadership skills and was a bridge for the Jewish Students Association to continue and blossom into the current groups on campus. My degree in information systems taught me how to see the whole picture. Since I graduated 26 years ago, I have gotten married, had 2 beautiful, bright children. I have had 5 careers. I started as a Systems Administrator/Bookkeeper for Milner-Fenwick, Inc., Tele-recruiter for the American Red Cross, Pre-School Teacher at Beth Israel, and finally a Certified Nursing Assistant/Geriatric Nursing Assistant (CNA/GNA) with the Lisa Vogel Agency, and Mom my life time career, which brings me the most joy. My years at UMBC helped formed me to be the person I am today. A caring, giving, strong women who gives back to her community and knows she can do anything she sets out to do.

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Julia C. '13

Thank you, Cindy, for sharing your story!