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UMBC's Bitch-In, held October 29, 1968, was organized to give students a chance to voice their concerns in a public forum as part of the National Student Association's "Time Out Day." According to UMBC Breaking Ground, "As this committee gained publicity and support, [Annette] Stadd [,the student leader who organized the event] and other activists wanted to push harder on issues they felt were being ignored by The Retriever, their peers, and the rest of the UMBC community, including race and gender politics, cooperative living, and student involvement in campus governance." Read more here: https://umbcbreakingground.wordpress.com/2012/10/18/from-the-archives-the-bitch-in-of-1968/

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Julia C. '13

I like to think of it as a proto-Critical Social Justice week, in a way. I feel like this one was more about campus issues than ones affecting society at large, but you're right about our long tradition of encouraging dialogue like this.

Julia C. '13

I like to think of it as a proto-Critical Social Justice week, in a way. I feel like this one was more about campus issues than ones affecting society at large, but you're right about our long tradition of encouraging dialogue like this.

Meredith P.

What a cool initiative. Seems like UMBC has a long tradition of speaking out.