For a lot of UMBC students in the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s, the Albin O. Kuhn Library never had a tower. But it was a vibrant center of campus activity from the dawn of campus history. Do you remember the early days of AOK? Where did you like to study in the early years of UMBC?
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As a commuter in the late 80s, we found a spot wherever we could. Often ended up with books spread out on the floor on the 1st floor of the Admin Building, or the UC, right outside the bookstore. If you were lucky, you could snag a carrel along the hall in the Math/Psych building. Desperate times sometimes called for desperate measures....on sunny days, laying in the back of the Chevette with the back seat down and the hatch open made for a good napping space!

I worked here in the late 80's. Lots of fun watching everyone walking to class from the apartments...
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