We've got some pretty interesting stuff buried in our archives, and in honor of the 50th, we're dusting them off and giving them a new life. Case in point: these Greek Life event posters from earlier days. According to the AOK Library:
"The first fraternity recognized on the UMBC campus was Tau Upsilon in 1969. Tau Upsilon was a chapter of the national drama honors fraternity, Alpha Psi Omega. Members of this first fraternity included both males and females who were working in areas of drama on campus. To become members of the fraternity students were required to have performed both a major and minor role in a theater production as well as worked as a member of the stage crew for at least one production. "
Were you involved in Tau Upsilon? Do you remember going to any of these events? Tell us in the comments! While you're at it, check out the Library's Archives Gold feature at http://my.umbc.edu/groups/library/posts?tag=archives-gold.
The archives are amazing!